Resources Hub
Solar Energy
Local governments can do a number of things, both internally and in the community, such as:
Establishing renewable energy goals for both municipal operations as well as community-wide energy use, and developing a strategic plan outlining how you will reach those goals.
Ensuring local ordinances and policies encourage solar installations in the community. Consider becoming a SolSmart participant, a designation based on best practices to encourage growth in solar at the local level. Several WLGCC members participate, including the City of Eau Claire, La Crosse County, City of La Crosse, City of Madison, and Stevens Point.
Installing solar on roofs of municipal buildings and property
Working with your local utility to shift away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy.
City of La Crosse’s solar array installed on the public library by Eagle Point Solar
Looking for more info? Check out these resources!
Consider becoming a member for access to additional resources & assistance!
DOE Local Government Guide for Solar Development
A guide for local governments on how to increase access to and deployment of solar PV
Wisconsin Clean Energy Toolkit
Ideas and resources to help Wisconsin communities begin the transition to renewable energy
WICCI: Wisconsin’s Changing Climate
An assessment report on the impacts and solutions for a warmer climate, specific to Wisconsin and our local communities
State of Wisconsin
Clean Energy Plan
Wisconsin’s first-ever Clean Energy Plan
RENEW Wisconsin Solar Energy Resources
Resources for advancing solar development in Wisconsin, some specific to local governments
A national program that helps cities, towns, counties, and regional organizations become solar energy leaders
Leading by Example
Check out some of the ways our members are leading on climate action.
Communities across Wisconsin are collaborating and working together to advance their climate goals.
Our Work
We share resources, overcome barriers to climate action, and advocate for positive change at the state level.