WLGCC Announces First Executive Director
Press Release- May 18, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Local Government Climate Coalition (WLGCC) is pleased to announce the hiring of its first Executive Director, Allison Carlson.
WLGCC (www.wlgcc.org) provides a coordinated voice for local governments that are pursuing clean energy and climate solutions, and member communities represent over one out of three citizens in every geographic region in Wisconsin. The Coalition provides a platform for members to collaborate on overcoming barriers to decarbonization, accelerating local climate solutions, and ensuring the benefits of the clean energy economy are distributed to everyone throughout the state.
Allison Carlson, WLGCC Executive Director
Carlson has over 15 years of experience in the energy and sustainability industry, including roles at the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, and in the private sector where she led projects to support energy utilities and governmental entities in their efforts to plan, implement, and evaluate programs that benefit both residents and businesses. “We’re excited to have Allison on board to strengthen and expand our coalition. She’ll be a great fit for the role, speaking up for communities across the state and helping us reach our climate goals,” stated Lewis Kuhlman, chair of the hiring committee and Environmental Planner with the City of La Crosse.
“Allison’s background with the PSC and experience with what other states are doing will allow her to hit the ground running,” noted Melissa Schmitz, member of the WLGCC Board and Resiliency Coordinator with the City of Green Bay. “I’m excited for the additional value she’ll bring to WLGCC as its work expands.”
“Our member local governments know the needs of their communities best, and are leading the charge in Wisconsin with solutions and policies that will put them on the path for a thriving future,” Carlson added. “I am honored to be chosen as WLGCC’s first Executive Director, and look forward to growing our membership and partnering with the amazing communities in this state.”
Carlson began her role on April 3rd.